Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) is a government-issued bond in India. The bond is denominated in grams of gold and issued by the Reserve Bank of India. SGB is an alternative investment option for individuals looking to invest in gold, offering a more secure and convenient way to invest in the precious metal while also earning interest. The bonds are tradable on stock exchanges and the interest earned is taxed as per the applicable tax laws.
Why Invest in Sovereign Gold Bond ?
Convenient and secure way to invest in gold
Guaranteed purity and weight of gold
Interest earned on investment
Eligible for use as collateral for loans
Tax benefits under applicable tax laws
Traded on stock exchanges for liquidity
No hassle of storing physical gold.
Why Kevalgyan Capital ?
Expertise in understanding and navigating the Sovereign Gold Bond market
Integration of SGBs into comprehensive investment portfolios
Ongoing monitoring and management of SGB holdings
Access to professional investment guidance and support